GURPSDay on Friday
I am travelling, and was in a clean room working when i usually compile GURPSDay.
I will get it ASAP.
A few days ago I put out a challenge to come up with maps suitable for +Jason Packer‘s campaign. While I got some really neat submissions from some of my regular readers, plus a lame-ass PowerPoint sketch by yours truly, a new reader (at least that I know of) rose to the challenge so well I…
In my pondering of heretical D&D concepts from the other day, one of the thoughts that I had was: Wow, rolling vs. a “Defense Target” of 10+DEX Modifier is going to make even very experienced fighters get hit an awful lot. On the other hand, armor subtracts from damage. How does that balance out? Guess…
A shout-out to all those visiting from the Daily Illuminator! September 14, 2013: GURPS On Gaming Ballistic Douglas Cole over at Gaming Ballistic has an extensive interview with Sean Punch, the line editor for GURPS. Among other things, they discuss GURPS‘ strengths, weaknesses, and quirks, compare and contrast it to other systems out there, talk about realism, and discuss the Rule of Awesome. It’s a…
For the first time in a long time, I made it out to a movie in the actual theater. I love Superman, and have for a long time. I was a reasonable fan of the Christopher Reeve movies (well, the first two), and enjoyed Lois and Clark and Smallville well enough. I thought Brandon Routh…
GURPS Action 3: Furious Fists brings Kung Fu fighting to the Action series, and it’s a little bit frightening, since it packs a lot of rules goodness into 23 content pages with expert timing. Introduction The Action books (Action 1 and Action 2 reviews from prior posts) have a tendency to pack important points into…
Originally in Technical Grappling, Grip ST – how many dice you get to roll when you grab someone – was figured differently. During revision, it was changed, and during playtest, it was altered, folder, spindled, and mutilated. Ultimately, I decided to go with a precise way to combine limbs when grappling. Figure out the contribution…