Dragon Heresy: 13 hours and counting
We are in the last half day of the final push of the dragon heresy kick starter. We are 3,000 from the big offset print run goal, where all books get upgraded to the best quality.
+Christopher R. Rice and I sat down briefly to discuss a mutual project of ours, that he nonetheless originated, championed, and for lack of a better word, chairs. Pyramid Magazine can a tough magazine for which to write. GURPS formats are intensely technical, and the Steve Jackson Games style guide somewhat opaque. Tack onto that…
CreateSpace is inexpensive but has been extremely uneven in quality. Extremely. DriveThruRPG (via Lightning Source) has been very reliable and consistent in quality, but is more expensive than I’d prefer. I’m looking for other short-run printers that might do the job. The minimum offset quantity I can usually find is 500 copies, but rumors have…
This is one of those interesting oddities that shows up in Pyramid from time to time. A truly systemless article that’s useful for any GM in any system, as well as being a trove of information to be mined I’m going to give away the ending, and note that this was far and away my…
+Hans-Christian Vortisch dropped me a note on another forum he and I share, which basically (my words, not his) said “um, you were lead playtester on Tactical Shooting, lasers aren’t that different from guns, and your long-winded post is why I wrote Tactical Dodging in the first place.” He’s right, and it’s a valuable addition to the conversation….
Joined +Erik Tenkar, +Peter V. Dell’Orto., +Tim Shorts , and +Chris Maler for some Swords and Wizardry Mad Overlord action. First thing is we pick up Bello the homeless Dwarf. He’s been tying his shoes for a while, we decide. We put him in front so he can detect the wheelchair-ramp slope of 5%. We set up a marching order, get…