Dragon Heresy: 13 hours and counting
We are in the last half day of the final push of the dragon heresy kick starter. We are 3,000 from the big offset print run goal, where all books get upgraded to the best quality.
GURPSDay is currently pulling from 103 blogs on the roster. The Hall of Judgment Kickstarter ended on July 14th, having hit 525 backers and very nearly $16,000 in funds. This is fully 1/3 of the backers of the original DFRPG, which means by any metric the project was a financial success. I am moving steadily ahead…
I got the first laid-out copy of Dragon Heresy: The Book of Heroes from +Rob Muadib this week. We’re still working on it, though work will slow down a bit as he goes back to school. That’s not actually a big deal – technically, the layout comes last, after writing and editing and lots of other things….
Here’s the next mundane character in the line, this time the Rogue. The rogue’s signature ability in combat, available to all rogues, is the sneak attack. Balanced against that is that the rogue will only get one attack in combat, ever (without multiclassing). The rogue is fundamentally a skills expert, however. With many allowed skills…
This is a guest post by Discordian and Forumite Kalzazz, who answered my challenge around high point total characters in GURPS, but doesn’t have a blog of his own. —Gaming Ballistic Possible? The same way as any campaign, you get a group of people willing to give it a whirl! Given the incredible diversity of…
$14,000! As I woke up this morning, I saw that we are creeping up on 90% funding ($14,400) and have passed $14,000 in total funding. Excellent. Of course, I knew immediately why we saw that uptick . . . having been working with Phil and Steve for the last week or so to plan it. Here’s the…
Sorry that I missed GURPS-Day yesterday. I was travelling in Germany for business. That was my first time in Europe since 1998 or so, when I spent three weeks near Eindhoven in the Netherlands. I need to go back. *** A brief comment based on a very long discussion over the Rate of Fire and…