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Dragon Heresy subclasses – all 39 at least in 1st draft form

I have now finished all 39 subclasses for Dragon Heresy. Thusly, I will drink wine. Afterwards, I will soldier on and work on the 57,136-word spell list, since every spell in the SRD5.1, plus a few I and my playtesting team have invented, must be scrubbed to be consistent with the new rules concepts. But…

Dragon Heresy Help – Level abilities for four wizard schools
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Dragon Heresy Help – Level abilities for four wizard schools

I am looking for some help with finding appropriate level advancements for four “new” schools of magic for Wizards. The four schools each combine two of the existing traditions, which themselves have been associated with a particular futhark rune as part of the setting. The School of Doors includes the rune-magic of ansuz (divination) and…

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Dragon Heresy playtest: Group 2 – character build and design chat

+GodBeastX , +Anne Hunter , and Wright Johnson joined me for three hours to kick off the “second” playtest group (of three) for Dragon Heresy. We did not play. Nonetheless, they stuck with me for three hours of chatting, with interruptions by my 6yo, something outside, and tea. We talked setting and character generation from the perspective of three people…