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Forthcoming: Firing Squad welcomes . . . Steve Jackson

Last Sunday I intereviewed Steve Jackson (of Steve Jackson Games) on the Firing Squad. We spoke for about an hour (a bit less) about Ogre, a tiny bit of Car Wars, Munchkin, and GURPS. I’m in “post production” right now, editing the video. Transcription is in the works. I already have an audio file. I…

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Nine for Ten – Reviewing my own stuff for the 10th anniversary

I’ve been published nine times in GURPS Fourth Edition. One major work (Technical Grappling) and eight articles in Pyramid.  Having just reviewed Pyramid #3/70, I thought I’d go back and revisit my old stuff, using the same format, and applying the same scale. Granted, I could be pretty biased – but that’s what blogs are…

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Pyramid #3/70: Fourth Edition Festival in Review

Due to copious lack of time, I’m not going to do a strict review with one post per article, like I prefer to do. I am, however, going to hit each one with my usual method: rating in three categories that boil down to quality writing, quality ideas, and drop-in utility with minimal prep. Destination…