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Reverse Missiles – the options

This is in response to a quite interesting thread on Reverse Missiles. Like many things that occur at the intersection of magic and technology of any sort, there can be many answers depending on the metaphysics of how it is all supposed to work. Reverse Missiles 101 The key bits are There is one hit…

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Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures

Work still nuts, but here’s a blatant shill: go buy DF16: Wilderness Adventures, by +Sean Punch. I have read perhaps two pages of this, and the biggest thing that strikes me right off the top is that it reads like Sean just had oodles and oodles of pure, unadulterated fun writing this. From the Introduction to the…

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Apropos of Nothing: ComiCon Minneapolis 2014

This weekend ComiCon came to Minneapolis, so my whole family went. Highlights: The costumes, of course, were great. Day 1 I just wore my Gaming Ballistic sweatshirt over a Superman T-shirt, since my daughter was dressed as supergirl (since Supergirl is often portrayed as blonde, she kills this one). I had one guy take her…