Three POD Comparisons (Lightning Source/DriveThru, CreateSpace, PubGraphics)
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Three POD Comparisons (Lightning Source/DriveThru, CreateSpace, PubGraphics)

I’m always on the lookout for good publishing resources. To date, I thought I had two choices, really, for POD, and these were what I leveraged for Dungeon Grappling. The first was DriveThruRPG. It was my go-to for Kickstarter fulfillment, not least reason of which because they had a really nice shipping calculator for “Rest…

Tower of Justice: Did you play at GenCon?
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Tower of Justice: Did you play at GenCon?

This is a bit of a cry for help. I know a few folks – maybe one or two – who played what was called then “The Tower of Justice” or “Grappling Smackdown” with me in the IGDN booth at GenCon this year. Friday and Saturday mornings, 10am start time. Each day was 7-8 people,…

A mailing list, at last
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A mailing list, at last

A mailing list is a key part of any company’s outreach strategy. In short, it’s the first line of defense against stagnation and starvation. It’s the folks that have come to you, and either expressed interest in, or outright purchased your stuff. It’s probably criminal that I haven’t set one up by now . ….