Hall of Judgment (1st Edition) softcover print is ON SALE at 50% off
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Hall of Judgment (1st Edition) softcover print is ON SALE at 50% off

The first 3rd-party licensed product for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG is on sale until I run out (there are only 50 or so copies left) for the same price as the PDF: $12.50. This doesn’t have some errata fixes, and the maps are the older style instead of the upgraded Glynn Seal maps. Hall of…

Citadel at Nordvorn: All proofs in hand. Fulfillment begins soon.
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Citadel at Nordvorn: All proofs in hand. Fulfillment begins soon.

As a Strange Dr once said: “We’re in the Endgame now.” Oh: that may have been a spoiler. In any case, I got the advance copies of Citadel and HoJ (2nd Edition) yesterday. These are freakin’ gorgeous books. I’m super-proud of Citadel, and I hope you guys enjoy the heck out of it. Enough back-patting:…

Amazing Finish to Four Perilous Journeys
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Amazing Finish to Four Perilous Journeys

I sent out a LOT of updates over the last few days. But this one is the best. Thank you. We broke all my records that really matter this campaign: most backers (608 vs 600), most funding ($40,108!). The trajectory of the campaign is something I’ll mull over and study a lot once I get…