Looking for a Layout Pro for a fast-turn project
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Looking for a Layout Pro for a fast-turn project

I’m looking for some names and recommendations for what I hope will be a quick-turn project. What is it? Domstallin: Lost Hall of Tyr is what became of my “Grappling Smackdown” demo that I ran at the IGDN game hall for GenCon. I have expanded it into a full, if linear, scenario. What’s the status?…

SRD5.1 Adventure Module: Editable Draft!
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SRD5.1 Adventure Module: Editable Draft!

Well, well. That GenCon 2-hour demo has turned into a 16,500 word first draft. I got some good feedback during the sessions, and still more afterwards. I think the flow is better, and it’s got a lot more meat to it. What’s left to do? I need to de-Dragon Heresy the SRD monster writeups. That’s…

A Good Framework

A Good Framework

Writing is not always mechanical, nor is it always something that is amenable to a fixed structure. But sometimes, perhaps even many times, it is. And game writing is technical writing for the most part, and that means structure, clarity, and ensuring the right information is conveyed. For the Tower of Justice scenario I’m finishing up right…