GURPS Day Summary Sept 30 – Oct 6, 2016
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GURPS Day Summary Sept 30 – Oct 6, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay. Last week, the Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter ended, and wound up raising $176,000 through Kickstarter directly, and another $25-30,000 or so through direct W23 Sales. This opened up a couple of adventure modules, “eye in the pyramid” dice in the box, and three additional dedicated Pyramid issues. The “I want it all” level…

Dragon Heresy and Grappling Heresy?
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Dragon Heresy and Grappling Heresy?

A quick Dragon Heresy update. Things are moving along, and monsters are being written. I’m super-excited about my lizardfolk writeup, and the elementals and giants are pretty fun too. Actually, the undead are kinda awesome. Anyway, having a specific setting to tie monsters into is a great creative aid. In other news, I got some…

Quick Note to GURPSDay Bloggers . . .
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Quick Note to GURPSDay Bloggers . . .

If you blog for GURPSDay . . . or want to start, please do me a favor and email me at Please use GURPDay Mailing List in the title. Please do this even if you’ve contacted me on this address before. Definitely do it if we never connected by this address, but used G+,…