GURPS Day Summary Aug 19 – Aug 25, 2016
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GURPS Day Summary Aug 19 – Aug 25, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay, and below you can find the blog activity from the last seven days. Over the last week, as of the end of the day on Thursday Central Time, there have been 40 GURPS-related posts as of 4pm from our list of 62 blogs that have popped up on the radar screen. (We…

Aeon Campaign S3E6 – Interrogation
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Aeon Campaign S3E6 – Interrogation

Dramatis Personae The Commander (Doug) – telekinetic super-soldier with a really angry dog (Yukio). The dog is a powerful ally (250-300 points) and very intelligent and very, very aggressive. The Rat Queen (Emily) – brick with super-perception; made of actual rats Zephyr (Merlin) – Real name Murui; Shaolin Kung Fu expert and super-speedster. Eamon Finnegan…

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Dragon Heresy: Sidhe vs the PCs

This one’s unusual, because I didn’t do it. My Aesir-level playtester +Luke Campbell loves fae and sidhe and all things funky, and he ran a playtest on his desk, taking a notionally high-challenge sidhe – not the rulers, but still powerful – of the Fey and pitting them against four 8th level characters with a typical party…