Nordlond Sagas adventure books en route!
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Nordlond Sagas adventure books en route!

I received word from the shipping company that the books should be dropped off at my house tomorrow around lunchtime. Hopefully the forecast will remain accurate (hah ha HA HAH HA!!!) and it will not rain. Regardless, this means I can start getting the USA physical orders shipped out right away.

Almost at 80%; WIP of Dragon Hunt Cover
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Almost at 80%; WIP of Dragon Hunt Cover

Brief update this morning! Holiday Weekend For those in the USA, it’s Memorial Day, the day dedicated to those who died in the armed service of their country (Veterans Day honors those still alive who served). At least here in Minnesota, it traditionally rains like mad…today is no exception. Campaign Progress In development news, the…

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Cover Preview – Dragon Hunt!

Ksenia Kozhovnikova just shared with me her rough pencils (rough! rough! This is rough for her!) of one of the covers for the new TFT books for my More Perilous Journeys Kickstarter. This one is (obviously) for “Dragon Hunt,” David Pulver’s 40-page solo/programmed adventure. This one can also be easily run with a GM, since…