Lost Hall 2e Kickstarter Update
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Lost Hall 2e Kickstarter Update

One week ago, Gaming Ballistic launched the Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition) Kickstarter. It is a short campaign: 17 days, running from a week ago Friday, Dec 7 through Sunday, Dec 23. This Lost Hall 2e Kickstarter Update provides the good news, a request for help, and some further details about what’s different, and…

GURPSDay Summary Dec 7, 2018 – Dec 13, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Dec 7, 2018 – Dec 13, 2018

December 7 marks Pearl Harbor Day in the USA, the famed “day that will live in infamy.” I have had the privilege to visit Pearl Harbor twice, and it was sobering and sad and . . . too many things. But you should go if you can. The first time I was there, the narrator…

Lost Hall 2nd Edition “Instant Play” Rewards Added
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Lost Hall 2nd Edition “Instant Play” Rewards Added

Two New “Instant Play” Rewards Added I’ve added two new reward tiers, called “Instant Play,” to the Lost Hall 2nd Edition Kickstarter. I’ve also adjusted the pricing on some of the add-ons to reflect sales on my website that will outlast the Kickstarter. PDF Instant Play Tier The PDF Instant Play tier consists of the…