I get interviewed on the Designers and Makers Podcast
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I get interviewed on the Designers and Makers Podcast

I was recently (like 30 minutes ago) interviewed on the Tenkar’s Tavern Designers and Makers podcast. He asks me five critical questions (including such weighty matters as “Race as Class” and “what do you think of Save or Die – the die roll, not the podcast?” I always love talking about gaming, so give a…

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Dragon Heresy, Not 2nd Edition D&D

I just wanted to make it clear, as I got a note that alarmed me about the Kickstarter: This product is the 2nd Edition of the Lost Hall of Tyr adventure. It is NOT for 2nd Edition D&D, which I believe I have played either once or twice, ever. The native system is Dragon Heresy, which is based off of a…

Citadel at Norðvörn Progress
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Citadel at Norðvörn Progress

As seems to be frequently the case, when I’m in heavy writing mode there’s not much time for much else. The Citadel at Norðvörn needs wordcount! Writing the Content I’m trying to write an average of 1,500 words per day, which is non-trivial but I want to get this out there. I’m working from a…