Halcyon (Hell-psion?) Campaign: Starting Session Report
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Halcyon (Hell-psion?) Campaign: Starting Session Report

A Short Takeoff Roll After a long, long head-down hiatus brought about by life and other obligations hitting several of us hard, the Monday night crew (GM’d by Christopher Rice, proprietor of Ravens n Pennies) finally sat down to start the GURPS “Halcyon” campaign. I will admit up front was was lukewarm on the premise…

First Hall of Judgment Review is in!
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First Hall of Judgment Review is in!

Ubiratan of Octopus Carnival reviews the new adventure supplement Hall of Judgment (an expansion and rewrite of the older Lost Hall of Tyr) that went on sale yesterday as PDF, written for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPS. He says nice things about Hall of Judgment.

Hall of Judgment: Printing Complete
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Hall of Judgment: Printing Complete

Printing Complete! I was informed this morning that all 500 copies finished at the printer and were mailed to fulfillment on Wed Aug 22 (two days ago!). I expect that my partner in the UK will start doing their thing anywhere between yesterday and Monday. International backers will thus start seeing their stuff that following…