Excellent progress today on Sample Characters

Just a quick note. There are really four or five things left to do before the read-review-read-review-read-review cycle starts. 1. Finish pre-gen characters. This is very nearly done. I’m awaiting one more, the backer knows what direction to take, and I expect to have this in hand shortly. The rest of the chapter is done,…

Hall of Judgment: Boom! And that’s a wrap!
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Hall of Judgment: Boom! And that’s a wrap!

Amazing. I’m floored and thrilled by the response to this Kickstarter. Let me be straight. I expected about 300 folks and $20 per pledge. That would have been a success for me. We landed 1/3 as many backers as the CORE RULES THEMSELVES. That’s just wild, and I thank you for it: 525 Backers; nearly $16,000!…

Last 13 hours for Hall of Judgment
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Last 13 hours for Hall of Judgment

Progress Things going very, very well for the Hall of Judgment Kickstarter heading into the last 14 hours! We passed $14,000 during the night, while I was getting a tiny bit of sleep. Not a lot, since there’s work to be done. But some. Let’s share this around, hit as many as possible, get the…