Monster GURPSDay Summary June 29, 2018 – July 5, 2018
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Monster GURPSDay Summary June 29, 2018 – July 5, 2018

GURPSDay is currently pulling from 103 blogs on the roster. We picked up a new one today: The Lair of the Chaotic GM. It’s first on the list, so go check it out. We’re closing in on 400% for the Hall of Judgment Kickstarter. The list of “what’s in it” gets more and more interesting,…

Hall of Judgment: Sample Pre-gen and Monster layout
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Hall of Judgment: Sample Pre-gen and Monster layout

Hall of Judgment Character and Monster Templates taking shape I’ve been working on the writing, which is now in the “I have something for everything” stage, and now turning to editing and converting from Fifth Edition/Dragon Heresy to the DFRPG/Powered by GURPS stats and difficulties. That starts, well, now. The other big thing I did…