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Nordlondic Bull (Guest Post by Kalzazz)

Nordlond is my renamed Torengar for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG project I’m working on. Naturally, I have a playtest crew. Kalzazz is on it. For fun, and because one of the Festivals that are a key part of “town” in the adventure features a story about a bull . . . he wrote up a…

GURPSDay Summary June 22, 2018 – June 28, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary June 22, 2018 – June 28, 2018

GURPSDay is currently pulling from 102 blogs on the roster. We’re well over 300% in the Hall of Judgment Kickstarter. We’ve got some exciting stuff in there as rewards, and also a podcast coming up. Beyond that, I’m writing and writing and making map art direction and doing layout. I’ve got 8700 words written about…

GameHole Con Reward level goes live at 10am
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GameHole Con Reward level goes live at 10am

In Update 9 (and a few before) I mentioned a new reward level. This $250 pledge is a seat at the table with me at GameHole con, where I’ll run Hall of Judgment for those that attend. There will be six reserved seats, and two open seats for walk-ups. The game will start at 4pm…