AAAAHHHH!! No, no. We’re good here.
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AAAAHHHH!! No, no. We’re good here.

Been head down for a bit. Kickstarter April 2. Once the gawrsh dang video is in the can (tomorrow I hope), I can start actually breathing again. Assuming my marauding cat doesn’t eat me. She’s hankering for some vengeance after the claw clipping, I think. She’s circling like a (Cat) Sith Lord. Soon, I breathe…

GURPSDay Summary Mar 23, 2018 – Mar 29, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Mar 23, 2018 – Mar 29, 2018

This week’s GURPSDay is brought to you by the flu. Whole family’s down with it. Blergh. Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. Nifty things are happening in the background and I can’t wait to tell you about them. But…

The Firing Squad welcomes Elizabeth Chaipraditkul (Familiars of Terra)

The Firing Squad welcomes Elizabeth Chaipraditkul (Familiars of Terra)

After the last Firing Squad with Craig Campell, Liz approached me to talk to her about her latest project: Familiars of Terra. It’s an RPG that, in her words, is a bit of a blend of The Golden Compass and Pokemon. Familiars and spirits exist, and populate a close to modern day world that is…