Lost Hall of Tyr: Found an error in u12072017 PDF – update available
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Lost Hall of Tyr: Found an error in u12072017 PDF – update available

There was an error in the Dec 7 update for the PDF of Lost Hall of Tyr. The final map was exported BELOW a background layer, making the climax map for the entire adventure . . . a black void. Oops. Problem fixed with u12152017, which has been blasted out to all backers. Sorry about…

The 12 Days of OSR Christmas: Day 2
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The 12 Days of OSR Christmas: Day 2

  The OSR Christmas continues today. Edwin Nagy was yesterday’s winner, and I gave him a choice of Lost Hall of Tyr or Dungeon Grappling – he chose Lost Hall. I’ll offer the same choice to each winner – which of my (for the moment) two products do you want? Dungeon Grappling will suit if…

Lost Hall of Tyr: Physical Rewards Ordered
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Lost Hall of Tyr: Physical Rewards Ordered

Having received both proof copies of Lost Hall – one from PubGraphics and one from DriveThruRPG – and found them both worthy, I went ahead and placed the orders. The International Orders were fulfilled through DriveThruRPG, and will likely arrive in two weeks (if you’re in the UK) to somewhere between then and about nine…