Ultra-Tech Firearms: Liquid Propellant and ETC
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Ultra-Tech Firearms: Liquid Propellant and ETC

A brief digression into advanced conventional gun technology in GURPS Ultra-Tech. There are two advanced technologies for firearms in GURPS Ultra-Tech. Liquid Propellant slugthrowers improves piercing damage by +1 per die (about 28%) with the boosted velocity version, and there’s a low velocity option that cuts damage in half, but we don’t care that much…

Gunday Continued: Ultra-Tech Rifles (Part 2)
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Gunday Continued: Ultra-Tech Rifles (Part 2)

In the last installment, a few of the basic weapons from the Rifles section of GURPS Ultra-Tech were examined. The basic premise was to see if the designed stats make sense, and evaluate them against an assumed mission statement: deliver 3d-6d injury after penetrating whatever armor the target is wearing. The typical foe was assumed to be…