Monster Monday: Vaettr (Wight)
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Monster Monday: Vaettr (Wight)

Monster Monday is a feature that will occur every other week. It will feature an excerpt creature from the working draft of the Dragon Heresy RPG. A wight is the restless corpse of a warrior, animated by bloodlust and hatred. The wight is created when a warrior is so fond of killing, maiming, and fighting…

Benefits of a Keyed Monster List
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Benefits of a Keyed Monster List

It has literally been one month since any sort of “real” content post on Gaming Ballistic. That ain’t right. There are good reasons – or they seemed so at the time – but still, there has to be more to the blog than an occasional play report and a “work was done” update about the…

GURPS Day Summary Mar 10 – Mar 16, 2017
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GURPS Day Summary Mar 10 – Mar 16, 2017

Welcome to the second year of GURPSDay, and here’s the morning pull for you guys. We’re currently drawing content from 81 blogs. Only 19 more to go until we’re pulling from 100! But we’ll need your help. How? Two action items: post more, recruit more. It’s really that simple. More posters is more posts, and more…