Dungeon Grappling: Four Days to Go . . . please check it out!
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Dungeon Grappling: Four Days to Go . . . please check it out!

And I would fly 10,000 miles . . . Just a bit of a head’s up. I’ll be in Thailand for business for the next two weeks. Unavoidable. So for the next two days, I’ll be intermittent in my connectivity depending on where I am (though oddly enough, the WiFi on long-haul airliners is pretty…

GURPS Day Summary Nov 25 – Dec 1, 2016
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GURPS Day Summary Nov 25 – Dec 1, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay, and now we face that odd time between Turkey Day and Christmas, where we’re all supposed to pretend to get stuff done, but really? Well, in any case I will be in Thailand for the next two weeks, so the next two GURPSDays will be handled by my lovely wife. She will be…

Omnusl Reviews Dungeon Grappling – receives passing grade
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Omnusl Reviews Dungeon Grappling – receives passing grade

After forwarding a preview copy to him, he read through it and delivers his feedback. Overall, he gives me a passing grade on aesthetics and layout, writing and editing, mechanics, and value. He put his money where his review was, too, and backed the project. Some commentary: The Dungeon Grappling Kickstarter ends on Monday, December…