May is GURPSDay recruitment month
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May is GURPSDay recruitment month

GURPSDay is going well. We routinely hit between 40 and 60 posts from 39 blogs in any given week (with T Bone’s GURPS Diner stubbornly resisting all attempts to wget the hell out of its content). But it could be more. Because I know there are more people playing and writing about GURPS, even occasionally….

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Playtesting – what do you look for?

I’ve playtested a lot of books for others. I read through, I do math, I occasionally use the rules (more now than in the past, because now I have a few game groups, and then I had none). This weekend, and soon in the future, my ever-expanding Heretical D&D project will get playtested. Sure, I’ve…

GURPS Day Summary April 29- May 5, 2016
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GURPS Day Summary April 29- May 5, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay, and I’m back from the Far East, mostly recovered, with “hardly any” jet lag. Over the last week, as of 7:20pm CST, there have been 46 GURPS-Related posts from our list of 38 blogs that have popped up on the radar screen. Not every blog posts about GURPS every week, but some are…