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Two things are taking my blogging time right now. First is that +Jeffro Johnson is helping me get acquainted with the PERL script we use to get the GURPSDay thing going. His ownership and authorship of the script was always supposed to be temporary, but he’s just so efficient that we never really completed the knowledge transfer….

Aeon Campaign: S1E10 – This computer really IS possessed
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Aeon Campaign: S1E10 – This computer really IS possessed

Dramatis Personae The Commander (Doug) – telekinetic super-soldier with a really angry dog (Yukio). The dog is a powerful ally (250-300 points) and very intelligent and very, very aggressive. Arc Light (Christian) – battlsuited gadgeteer with electrical powers The Rat Queen (Emily) – brick with super-perception; made of actual rats Eamon Finnegan (Kyle) – smooth…