Battle-tested: The Wrestler from the Skogurenda Meatgrinder
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Battle-tested: The Wrestler from the Skogurenda Meatgrinder

  [Note: with my permission, Kreios cut images from the sample draft and posted them to his site showing the wrestler build he used. I’m going to let you link over there so you can check out his stuff too…but you can more than get the gist of it from what he’s written below.] Delvers to Mow…

Delvers to Grow: Artur the Knight example
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Delvers to Grow: Artur the Knight example

Artur the Knight [187 points] Oh, you really don’t want to piss this guy off. Here’s another example from the Delvers to Grow kickstarter. After the 125-point eldhuð swashbuckler, now we’re going to walk through a 187-point knight. Any physical resemblance to my Viking martial arts instructor is purely intentional. Step 1: Pick a Category…

Ballistic’s Report for Week Ending May 21
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Ballistic’s Report for Week Ending May 21

This week saw a lot of forward movement on the big three from last time. Delvers to Grow funded! That’s the good news. The not-so-good news is that the KS is on track to be one of the lowest adopted by backer count of any Dungeon Fantasy RPG project to date. For the best recruiting…