Delvers to Grow is now LIVE on Kickstarter
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Delvers to Grow is now LIVE on Kickstarter

Delvers to Grow is now LIVE on Kickstarter!! Zero-to-Hero with the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Even the mightiest delver started somewhere. An apprentice, a squire or man-at-arms, a backup singer with The Backstreet Bards. Delvers to Grow allows you to take the part of those starting characters, supporting starting play as low as 62 points. Delvers…

Ballistic’s Report: Week Ending April 30
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Ballistic’s Report: Week Ending April 30

This week was finishing up production on Character Collections and blitzing the Kickstarter page for the next project…Delvers to Grow. All backers but two on Character Collections manually moved to “finished” or cancelled. Still two with credit balances that are headed for a cancel and refund if they don’t respond. Delvers to Grow is advancing…

Delvers to Grow takes Shape…probably launches next week!
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Delvers to Grow takes Shape…probably launches next week!

I’m in the final stages of putting together the Kickstarter page for Delvers to Grow. I’m very, very pleased with how it’s coming together. Preliminary playtest and blindtest results by The Chaotic GM and his group have been quite positive. He set up something he called the Skógurenda Meatgrinder. The demon cults had overthrown the…