Gaming Ballistic at FnordCon2.3 TODAY
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Gaming Ballistic at FnordCon2.3 TODAY

Today is the day! Today is the second online convention hosted by Steve Jackson Games, FnordCon 2.3 Click on the poster for the link! In addition to nifty panel discussions (and I’ll be on a few of them) there’s also a Dealer Room. FnordCon2.3 Dealer Room Preview   Folks are reminded that the Gaming Ballistic…

Fantastic Dungeon Grapples: ST differential for breaking free
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Fantastic Dungeon Grapples: ST differential for breaking free

Yesterday I made a post about how breaking free is harder than perhaps it should be in Fantastic Dungeon Grappling. Is this true? Does it matter? If it does, what’s the fix? The Normal Rules Consider: two identical ST fighters, let’s say ST 13, DX 12, Wrestling-12 (I chose ST 13 deliberately as it will…

Fantastic Dungeon Grapples: Breaking Out is Hard to Do
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Fantastic Dungeon Grapples: Breaking Out is Hard to Do

Fantastic Dungeon Grappling I think Fantastic Dungeon Grappling is my best-ever distillation of a grappling system that plays well with the rest of the game. It’s only eight pages, and manages to successfully subsume most of Martial Arts and my original 50-page Technical Grappling books in those short pages. The original rules concept were strongly…