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Dragon Heresy – Art WIP

I’ve got two dozen pieces of art being worked on Dragon Heresy. I am starting to get either final products or color WIP. I thought I’d tease some examples. The first is a small illustration that will likely appear next to a table on setting difficulty for tasks. My art direction asked for a dented…

Writing and Art for GB products
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Writing and Art for GB products

This weekend was, in a word, good. Dungeon Grappling   I did a triple-whammy. I finished a draft late Friday night that I thought – despite being bleary-eyed – was quite good. My readers confirmed it was the best version yet. But the next day, one of my readers ran through a PFRPG fight with…

Back from Thailand! Major Status Update
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Back from Thailand! Major Status Update

Wow. I have traveled from Minneapolis to Penang, Malaysia many times in the past. This was my first business trip to Thailand. Bangkok is closer than Penang by a bit – maybe two hours, but for whatever reason, this trip hit me harder. Both directions, the trip was pretty tight, and accomplished in three legs….