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Designer’s Notes – On Target (Pyr #3/77)

Am I bound and determined to revisit and rewrite every GURPS rule?  No. But in writing Technical Grappling, I became very taken with effect rolls, in the vein of hit points and control points. The general progression of a hit roll followed by an effect roll is familiar and favored by gamers. Personally, I like…


Blowthrough and Armor as Dice

Apologies for references without links, but I’m behind a work firewall and for some reason they don’t want me surfing the SJG Forums from work. Unreasonable folks, corporate IT. It’s like they want me working or something. In any case, there’s a weekly thread that got started up over on the GURPS forums called “Tweak…

You spin me right round baby right round

You spin me right round baby right round

There’s an interesting discussion over on the forums about using the Slip maneuver – a retreat in the forward direction – to maneuver around your foe. +Sean Punch provided some feedback on how this should be treated, and how when looking at a system using discrete one-second turns,  sometimes judgement must be exercised to ensure sanity….