In which I squeal like a little girl
There has been progress in the art for GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling.
This may not seem like much, and I’m sure the queue is quite long, etc. But this is progress.
In Pyramid #3/61: The Way of the Warrior, we see a very, very focused set of articles: six articles plus +Steven Marsh‘s intro and Random Thought Table, contributed by five authors . . . and the lead article was co-authored! That being said, this one was interesting. “How about a theme issue,” said Steven. BAM!…
I got to play GURPS at TL9 this past Saturday, with +Jeromy French , +kung fu hillbilly , +Alina Cole , +Carl Miller , and +Matt Sutton . We got into a battle with lasers and slugthrowers. There was an awful lot of successful dodging going on. Some of this just “the dice say what the dice say.” But after a bit, you could tell from…
+Hans-Christian Vortisch dropped me a note on another forum he and I share, which basically (my words, not his) said “um, you were lead playtester on Tactical Shooting, lasers aren’t that different from guns, and your long-winded post is why I wrote Tactical Dodging in the first place.” He’s right, and it’s a valuable addition to the conversation….
I have no idea why I did this. But I was thinking, probably because of my comments in my firearms-related Violent Resolution column. But . . . I wondered to myself if there was a way to turn some sort of real-world number into D&D damage output. I know, I know. Why would I ever…
This is Grappling Grappling has always gotten short shift in games. Gaming Ballistic wrestled with this problem repeatedly over the years, first with GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling for GURPS (available at Warehouse 23), and then for 5e, Swords & Wizardry, and the Pathfinder RPG with Dungeon Grappling (PDF at Warehouse 23; Print and PDF at Gaming Ballistic) The knowledge and play experience…
The Big News: We crossed the line this morning, and now it’s all about stretch goals. Pledges have been averaging $70 or so, which means for every (roughly) 60 new backers, we add 16 pages. Also: watch this space, because I just got some great news, which I shall share later today. Shadow of the…