Surprise love for The Last Gasp in the SJG Live talk with Steven and Sean
I would never in a billion years thought that the fairly fiddly The Last Gasp would have been one of those that “surprised” and delighted Steven. Woo hoo!
Dramatis Personae The Commander (Doug) – telekinetic super-soldier with a really angry dog (Yukio). The dog is a powerful ally (250-300 points) and very intelligent and very, very aggressive. Arc Light (Christian) – battlsuited gadgeteer with electrical powers The Rat Queen (Emily) – brick with super-perception; made of actual rats Zephyr (Merlin) – Real name…
So, my daughter is in a small school that does very interactive history studies. So last time, they did Ancient Egypt, and made canopic jars, faux jewelry for the pharaohs, etc. This time, they’re doing Ancient Greece, and since she’s a huge Wonder Woman fan, and a big fan of costumes in general, I thought…
A lot of the recent article Dodge This was focused on Perception rolls, specifically and most often, Vision rolls. In GURPS, if the thing you’re looking at is “in plain sight,” then you get a +10 bonus to Vision to see it. Not in plain sight? That’s a big bonus . . . sort of. +10 is…
A discussion on the price of Talents and Wildcards led me to think about alternate pricing schemes for things. Without getting into too much detail, ability scores are a pretty good deal in GURPS. ST is probably priced pretty well as-is. DX and IQ are arguably undercosted for what you get. How many skills are…
We picked up where we left off, and the amulet that controlled some sort of transport device. We reviewed prior locations and interesting phenomena, so as to figure where to go next. We decide to head West, and we see doors which are shiny, iron, dwarven-made doors. They don’t appear to be locked in any…
Just a quick note. There are really four or five things left to do before the read-review-read-review-read-review cycle starts. 1. Finish pre-gen characters. This is very nearly done. I’m awaiting one more, the backer knows what direction to take, and I expect to have this in hand shortly. The rest of the chapter is done,…