Hall of Judgment: Actual Play report (guest post)
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Hall of Judgment: Actual Play report (guest post)

Foreword (Douglas) Hall of Judgment was a successful Kickstarter that produced a – even if I do say so myself – fine, playable, good-looking product. Even so, it’s nice when a creator gets feedback, and my ego appreciates stroking as much as the next man. Even better than compliments on the book itself is that…

The Danger Sense Ret-Con
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The Danger Sense Ret-Con

Last night, despite the fact that I had a headache that was grinding on me like a dentist’s drill, I played in our weekly GURPS Ceteri Campaign. Ceteri is effectively a monster-hunting campaign, with a fun cosmology lovingly crafted by Christopher R. Rice, our GM. We’ve just returned to this world after a few jumps…

Fantastic Dungeon Grappling: A self-review
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Fantastic Dungeon Grappling: A self-review

I got a sometimes-rare opportunity last night – I got to use the rules I’ve written in the core of their design intent. In this case, it was the simplified and upgraded rules for grappling that appear in my recent Hall of Judgment book: Fantastic Dungeon Grappling. These took the method of GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling, and seasoned…