Nordlond Bestiary Fight-Test: Lan and the Six Alfar Warriors
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Nordlond Bestiary Fight-Test: Lan and the Six Alfar Warriors

This is a guest post and fight-test by Kalzazz “Only in stories did one man face six without injury. […] Only in stories did one man face six and survive.” –Robert Jordan, New Spring One of my favorite scenes in fiction is in New Spring, when Lan faced six credible swordsmen and Lan did, in…

Delvers to Grow: 11th Kickstarter Successfully Closed
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Delvers to Grow: 11th Kickstarter Successfully Closed

I’ve gotten all the books in motion, if not in backers’ hands quite yet. So it’s time for me to take a deep breath. This was my 11th Kickstarter. Funded, produced, and as I put darn near 120 lbs of books into the international parcel system this afternoon, delivered. Soon, though, I shall pull together…

High Praise from the Chaotic GM: Meatgrinder Impressions
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High Praise from the Chaotic GM: Meatgrinder Impressions

This is a word-for word repost of a blog post by “The Chaotic GM.” He’s a Patreon member of mine, and I’ve been part of several forums he’s been on (SJGames, Discord, my own Gaming Ballistic forum on Discord, etc) for a while. He always gives great, constructive feedback. He’ll tell you what he likes, and what needs to change. So, without…