Conditional Injury Actual Play (Pyramid #3/120)
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Conditional Injury Actual Play (Pyramid #3/120)

I got a quick bit of feedback on using Conditional Injury in actual play. Recall this article was not playtested, and mostly theoretical. Granted I was musing on it for years, but it never really got a good stress test. So someone wrote me with one: Dingo (Discord Forums) wrote: A lot shorter than planned…

Fantastic Dungeon Grappling: A self-review
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Fantastic Dungeon Grappling: A self-review

I got a sometimes-rare opportunity last night – I got to use the rules I’ve written in the core of their design intent. In this case, it was the simplified and upgraded rules for grappling that appear in my recent Hall of Judgment book: Fantastic Dungeon Grappling. These took the method of GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling, and seasoned…

Dragon Heresy: The Last 48 Hours
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Dragon Heresy: The Last 48 Hours

Dragon Heresy: The Last 48 Hours As always, the last 48 hours of a Kickstarter are crucial. One can frequently match the first two days’ funding totals in the last two days, and for Dragon Heresy, if we did that, we’d be seriously flirting with the big stretch goal at $16,000 for an offset run…