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Dungeon Grappling – Update #4 (Early Reviews)

So, as of the end of Day 2, we are 87% of the way to the basic funding goal, so things are going fairly well. A very low level of pledges will get us to the basic goal, but of course, I really want to hit at least the $4,000 level, so that I can…

GURPS Day Summary Oct 28– Nov 3, 2016
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GURPS Day Summary Oct 28– Nov 3, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay, and I’m a tetch late out of the gate. But still, we’ve got posts. Lots of posts. So many great posts. The blogosphere for GURPS is working on a few fun things as well. You can see the results of the collaboration in the Halloween-themed posts: Blog-or-Treat. Also, the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter…