Ballistic’s Report for the Week Ending April 2
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Ballistic’s Report for the Week Ending April 2

This week moved solidly from “Backerkit” phase of Character Collections to “production and manufacturing.” Lots of time with Serif Affinity Publisher working up the counter sheets, and collecting errata for the books before they go into manufacturing. Also spent most of Thursday on my Quarterly income statement. Backerkit “closed” (though pre-orders are still open), cards…

Character Collections for TFT: PDF Distribution Underway
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Character Collections for TFT: PDF Distribution Underway

PDF Distribution Initiated As was foretold in the days of yore, 2,880 long minutes ago, orders for those with completed surveys have been locked, and cards charged. I also sent out PDFs for everything ordered to date. Five weeks from campaign launch to PDFs-in-hand. I am pleased. I hope you are too. If you’re one…

Ship Approval Received for all four CC Books!
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Ship Approval Received for all four CC Books!

Ship Approval Well. I got ship approval before I finished typing the “I need to get ship approval” part of this update. That’s fantastic, and kudos to Alain for being so prompt! I have sent out the 48-hour warning that says I intend to lock orders and charge cards for those who have filled out…