More Perilous Journeys: So very close, more cover WIP
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More Perilous Journeys: So very close, more cover WIP

Status:  So Very Close… We’ll just get this out of the way fast. We’re only $391 away from funding the More Perilous Journeys kickstarter, with a week to go. Anywhere from two (retail level) to about 16 pledges, and if the average holds, it’s about seven. The project also has a record-breaking 632 followers, of…

More Perilous Journeys: $23,000 and 10 days to go; The Authors Speak
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More Perilous Journeys: $23,000 and 10 days to go; The Authors Speak

Status We’re headed into the home stretch now for More Perilous Journeys on Kickstarter, with the final sprint starting in about a week. The campaign has passed the 90% mark, and is less than $2,000 from funding. That’s fewer than 35 people at the average pledge rate . . . we can do it, and…