Gaming Ballistic LLC – Weekly update (10/14/2016)
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Gaming Ballistic LLC – Weekly update (10/14/2016)

I’ve decided that I’m going to post a weekly update on the goings on with Gaming Ballistic (the company). So here’s the first installment!   Company Administration Making good use of the legal contracts for purchasing services that I sourced early in setting up the company. Thus far, the contract format and pay terms have…

Dragon Heresy and Grappling Heresy?
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Dragon Heresy and Grappling Heresy?

A quick Dragon Heresy update. Things are moving along, and monsters are being written. I’m super-excited about my lizardfolk writeup, and the elementals and giants are pretty fun too. Actually, the undead are kinda awesome. Anyway, having a specific setting to tie monsters into is a great creative aid. In other news, I got some…

Back from Thailand! Major Status Update
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Back from Thailand! Major Status Update

Wow. I have traveled from Minneapolis to Penang, Malaysia many times in the past. This was my first business trip to Thailand. Bangkok is closer than Penang by a bit – maybe two hours, but for whatever reason, this trip hit me harder. Both directions, the trip was pretty tight, and accomplished in three legs….