The Murder-Hobo Lifestyle
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The Murder-Hobo Lifestyle

Murder-hobos. Heavily armed vagrants, wandering from town to town. Tempers flare, and corpses lie still on the barroom floor. Like a samurai granted kiri sute gomen, the permission to cut and depart, only the presumed wailing of friends and relatives is left in their wake. Weeks later, they return, bloodied themselves, with heaping mounds of gold and…

Dragon Heresy Podcast Week Continues
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Dragon Heresy Podcast Week Continues

Today two different podcasts dropped where I talk about Dragon Heresy and martial arts in RPGs in general. Down with DnD I was on Down with DnD with Christopher Sniezak, and the podcast just dropped. We spoke about the mechanics tweaks made to Fifth Edition to support a more-gritty, more option-filled viking play style that…

Dragon Heresy: $22,000 Stretch Goal Added for Even More Content
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Dragon Heresy: $22,000 Stretch Goal Added for Even More Content

New Goal, Big Book In response to a few comments off line, the Dragon Heresy Kickstarter has added a stretch goal at $22,000 that will plus the book up to 304 or 320 pages. This would follow the coveted-by-me offset print run, and therefore be affordable (a 320-page POD costs more than the current retail…