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Aeon Campaign: S2E3 – Rescue

This is a very quick version of session notes from last week’s game, but I was in Malaysia. So, without further ado, nor editing, here’s a recap. I’ll edit this out into something more prose-like over time. Dramatis Personae Arc Light (Christian) – battlsuited gadgeteer with electrical powers The Rat Queen (Emily) – brick with…

GURPS Day Summary April 22- April 28, 2016
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GURPS Day Summary April 22- April 28, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay, being posted from Bangkok, Thailand, and below you can find most of the blog activity from the last seven days. We had a few script problems that I’d really hoped had been worked out, but I was pushing my luck and testing my wife’s patience as it was having her remote-run the…

Lessons from Monteporte
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Lessons from Monteporte

I used to play in +Ken H‘s Monteporte campaign, and I remember it fondly. Recently, he rebooted it, and posted some session notes here. They struck me with two thoughts. Tangible is Good He writes: Resource and Time Management: We are keeping more careful track of resources, such as food, torches, and arrows. We are also…