Did you play Lost Hall/Tower of Justice at Gencon 2017?
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Did you play Lost Hall/Tower of Justice at Gencon 2017?

Did you Play Lost Hall at the Grappling Smackdown at GenCon? I know a few folks – maybe one or two – who played what was called then “The Tower of Justice” or “Grappling Smackdown” with me in the IGDN booth at GenCon this year. Friday and Saturday mornings, 10am start time. Each day was…

Lost Hall of Tyr: 75% Funded, and map preview
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Lost Hall of Tyr: 75% Funded, and map preview

Progress Update We’re doing reasonably well . . . about 75% of the way there in the first 2 1/2 days of the campaign, and before a weekend. Hopefully that bodes well. We’re at $1900 of $2500 to fund, so that’s promising.  Lost Hall of Tyr is close to making the first hurdle! Maps! I…

Lost Hall of Tyr: Kickstarter has launched!
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Lost Hall of Tyr: Kickstarter has launched!

Lost Hall of Tyr: Dómstóllinn: Kickstarter is now LIVE Lost Hall started as a GenCon game called “The Grappling Smackdown.” It was my first GMing experience at a convention, and it was also a scenario designed to showcase monsters that grapple using the rules from my book Dungeon Grappling. I ran it twice, and it…