Gaming Ballistic on Nerdarchy: TODAY at 11am Central/Noon Eastern
Gaming Ballistic will join Nerdarchy on their Daily Live Chat Revivified #215 Watch it here:
A hierarchy tag to help with sorting the games by rules system
All of the packages from the USA have been put in the mail. Some have arrived already. One of the late-last-week mailings even arrived in Missouri. And about 215 5-book orders were put into media mail not 30 minutes ago. Across the pond, all of the UK and “Rest of World” packages – 33 of…
Gaming Ballistic started as a blog in late 2012, and then became a company in its own right in October 2016, as the company formally launched its first product, Dungeon Grappling. 2020 marks the fourth full year of the company’s operation. It still has but one person doing all of the administrative work: me. During…