Gaming Ballistic was on Geek Gab’s Game Night!
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Gaming Ballistic was on Geek Gab’s Game Night!

  I was invited by Jasyn Jones and John McGlynn to join them on their Geek Gab podcast to talk about Dungeon Grappling, after I posted my GenCon reports about the playtest. Well, yeah, we covered grappling. But we also covered GURPS, the DFRPG, game design principles, and many other things, including HEMA and how…

Setting Difficulty Class (DC) in DnD5e – stating the obvious
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Setting Difficulty Class (DC) in DnD5e – stating the obvious

I’m working through my Grappling Smackdown scenario here, and setting the DCs for various tasks is a thing. I wanted to make a table to quickly inform me of roughly how hard something might be, so I figured I’d share the results. This isn’t a revelation, but it’s useful to me so it might be…

Spell Targeting – Margin of Error (5e, GURPS, others)
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Spell Targeting – Margin of Error (5e, GURPS, others)

Wodensday Wonderings is a new feature where I will discuss and comment on things that have sparked my interest of late. Sometimes (like today) it’ll be an animated discussion over mapped vs. mapless combat. Sometimes it might be a game design discussion. Or thoughts about why and why not of firearms and the like in fantasy…