Product Release: Character Collections 1 for the Fantasy Trip
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Product Release: Character Collections 1 for the Fantasy Trip

Character Collections : Experienced Adventurers Gaming Ballistic is pleased to present the first in a series of supplemental material for Steve Jackson Games’ The Fantasy Trip. Character Collections 1 – Experienced Adventurers presents twenty capable individuals to help make your  The Fantasy Trip campaign come alive. Warriors, merchants, burglars, scouts, and spies. Plus the occasional village…

Guidance on Writing for Gaming Ballistic
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Guidance on Writing for Gaming Ballistic

I received a communication with a proposal for an adventure yesterday. That was awesome. But it also occurred to me that I haven’t put out guidelines on how I vet said adventures, what I want to see, etc. The email was in the context of writing for The Fantasy Trip, but I tried to be somewhat generic…

First Actual Review: Dark Lord’s Doom (TFT programmed/solo adventure, 28 pages)
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First Actual Review: Dark Lord’s Doom (TFT programmed/solo adventure, 28 pages)

I pushed the two solo/programmed adventures in PDF form to backers, both for pre-printing error checking and also because it was time. The first written feedback came in via Kickstarter, in what is a concise but positive review that David Pulver can be proud of. Mini review (with mild spoilers). Given DLD is a military…