Meet Me at Dorkstock: Gamehole Con
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Meet Me at Dorkstock: Gamehole Con

It is now less than two weeks to Hall of Judgment at GameHole Con. AAAAHHHHH!!!!! I mean, it should be easy. I’ve got Hall of Judgment. I’ve got maps. I’ve got pre-gens. And my Saturday even, from 8pm to Midnight, is filled up! Friday, though: Friday never changes. Wait, no. Wrong movie. There are still…

Hall of Judgment: Actual Play report (guest post)
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Hall of Judgment: Actual Play report (guest post)

Foreword (Douglas) Hall of Judgment was a successful Kickstarter that produced a – even if I do say so myself – fine, playable, good-looking product. Even so, it’s nice when a creator gets feedback, and my ego appreciates stroking as much as the next man. Even better than compliments on the book itself is that…

GURPSDay Summary Oct 19, 2018 – Oct 25, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Oct 19, 2018 – Oct 25, 2018

Thursday is GURPSDay, and, well, yesterday I was here to kick butt and tape packages, and I was all out of tape. I even ran the script, but forgot to post it. So here’s GURPSDay, a day late, but always in our hearts. GURPSDay is currently pulling from 104 blogs on the roster. GURPSDay is…