The Mixed GM Reviews Dragon Heresy (and Commentary)
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The Mixed GM Reviews Dragon Heresy (and Commentary)

Dragon Heresy is in the hands of backers at last, having shipped out all copies to those who backed the Dragon Heresy Kickstarter, and by this time tomorrow, I’ll have gotten all of the DH copies out to those that added it to Hall of Judgment as well. As folks have received it, it is…

The Danger Sense Ret-Con
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The Danger Sense Ret-Con

Last night, despite the fact that I had a headache that was grinding on me like a dentist’s drill, I played in our weekly GURPS Ceteri Campaign. Ceteri is effectively a monster-hunting campaign, with a fun cosmology lovingly crafted by Christopher R. Rice, our GM. We’ve just returned to this world after a few jumps…

Crafting: Hide-faced Viking Shield Experiment
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Crafting: Hide-faced Viking Shield Experiment

Prelude   I’d been looking for a long time to find a source of very thin hide to try and face-and-back a shield. I had been told by my instructor at Asfolk Viking Martial Arts school that the evidence for a hide-faced shield was hit and miss; some were most likely raw wood, some were…