GURPSDay Summary Sept 7, 2018 – Sept 13, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Sept 7, 2018 – Sept 13, 2018

Fulfillment of Hall of Judgment is complete! All the books went out, and are arriving in a steady stream at their destinations. Some kind words are coming in, and there will hopefully be some good thorough reviews by the target audience in the upcoming days and weeks. But . . . to GURPS! GURPSDay is…

Fantastic Dungeon Grappling: A self-review
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Fantastic Dungeon Grappling: A self-review

I got a sometimes-rare opportunity last night – I got to use the rules I’ve written in the core of their design intent. In this case, it was the simplified and upgraded rules for grappling that appear in my recent Hall of Judgment book: Fantastic Dungeon Grappling. These took the method of GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling, and seasoned…

Hall of Judgment: All books boxed and ready
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Hall of Judgment: All books boxed and ready

This is likely the last fulfillment update. At least I hope so. Hall of Judgment I have either put into the mail, or have ready to drop off at 8:30am Monday morning, all ordered copies of Hall of Judgment and Dungeon Grappling. The ones going into the mail on Monday are 71 copies, which means…