Dragon Heresy: PDF rewards sent out
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Dragon Heresy: PDF rewards sent out

Today I pushed the “Blast Emails” button on the PDF for Dragon Heresy. It’s got the cover, hyperlinks and bookmarks, and I hope is as error-free as it could be. Backers should find the notification in their email box. I will be spooling out a gigantic file for upload to the printer today or tomorrow…

GURPSDay Summary June 8, 2018 – June 14, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary June 8, 2018 – June 14, 2018

GURPSDay is currently pulling from 102 blogs on the roster. Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and its fifth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013,  a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. We still need your help. And if you just started a GURPS blog – and I know that some of you have – email me…

Hall of Judgment – a Dungeon Fantasy RPG Supplement (Kickstarter Preview)
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Hall of Judgment – a Dungeon Fantasy RPG Supplement (Kickstarter Preview)

Gaming Ballistic is THRILLED to be the first third-party vendor to be granted a license to produce material for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (Powered by GURPS) from Steve Jackson Games. This product directly supports the excellent DFRPG Boxed Set. It provides a mini-setting and adventure, in full color, bookmarked and layered for the PDF,…