Gunday Continued: Ultra-Tech Rifles (Part 2)
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Gunday Continued: Ultra-Tech Rifles (Part 2)

In the last installment, a few of the basic weapons from the Rifles section of GURPS Ultra-Tech were examined. The basic premise was to see if the designed stats make sense, and evaluate them against an assumed mission statement: deliver 3d-6d injury after penetrating whatever armor the target is wearing. The typical foe was assumed to be…

Monster Monday: Human Opposition Sampler Pack
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Monster Monday: Human Opposition Sampler Pack

It’s once again Monster Monday, and today we’ve got some monsters of the human variety for you. Between other parties of adventurers, as well as bandits and other riff-raff, early encounters in Tanalor may well be fellow humans; certainly in situations focusing on the internal politics of Torengar or the Neveri wars, they will be….