Tower of the Moon now available on GB Webstore
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Tower of the Moon now available on GB Webstore

Pretty much what it says on the tin. After the recent direct-to-Backerkit product launch that ran from Sept 3 through Sept 30, the core products are now on my Web Store Tower of the Moon (Print) Tower of the Moon (PDF) This short adventure for The Fantasy Trip (16 pages) makes for a fantastic horror-themed…

Not all conspiracies are connected to the plot

I was chatting on Facebook with someone on Tenkar’s Tavern, and he was relating a story involving a printing company, a church group, and what turned out to be a troublesome counterfeiting ring. Naturally, my thoughts turned to RPG plots, and one thing that I thought was fun – and an aid in worldbuilding –…

Ballistic’s Report For Week Ending Oct 7
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Ballistic’s Report For Week Ending Oct 7

I’m moving the updates to Thursday going forward to sychronize better with Dr Kromm’s weekly updates. Also, Thursday has always been GURPSDay, so it seems fitting. It’s been a rough two weeks since the last update, if I must be honest. But we shall keep the chin tucked and soldier on. What’s been going on?…